

Parents! Your invitation has arrived but what is the Silent Book Auction all about?

Betsy’s Books: The Magic of Giving is a celebration of our beloved Betsy Warren who will be retiring after twenty-three years of devoted service to Crossroads AND!….it’s a really fun silent book auction where items can sell for as little as $10 and as much as $500. Books are sold alone or packaged with something that works into the title or theme of the book.
This year we are auctioning….

  • 4 Red Sox tickets to the June 14 afternoon game (what a great way to start the summer vacation!)
  • Book, lunch from Stella’s and a guided hike by our very own Middle School English teacher, Steve Glazer
  • Consultation to the secondary school or college process by college advisor Derek Gueldenzoph, with an hour-long Skype standardized test prep session with Brian Marhonic of High-End Test Prep

. . . and much more! Reply betsysbooks14@gmail.com

To celebrate Betsy, here are some opportunities to connect:
 May 30, 5:30-8:00 pm, Betsy’s Books, The Magic of Giving, adults only
 June 6, 8:15 am, Final Assembly, final celebration and current students will honor Betsy
 June 12, 8:30-10:30 am, Move-Up Ceremony, reception by PA to follow for everyone to say goodbye to Betsy

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