The NH Department of Health and Human Services is monitoring information regarding the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and will be providing ongoing updated recommendations for schools. There have been no active cases in New Hampshire as of Sunday, February 2.
Beginning Monday, February 3, we will be observing the following guidelines at Crossroads Academy in accordance with NH DHHS:
- All people should be advised to avoid travel to China
- All travelers from China, even those who are healthy and don’t have symptoms, are instructed to self-isolate for fourteen days from their last day of travel to China. These individuals will be instructed to self-monitor for symptoms and to contact the NH Division of Public Health Services (DPHS) at 603-271-4496 if they develop fever or respiratory illness within fourteen days of travel to China.
- Any persons presenting with a fever or respiratory illness within 14 days of travel to China will be reported immediately to the Bureau of Infectious Disease Control (DPHS) for monitoring.
- People presenting with fever and respiratory illness will be asked if they have recently traveled to China, or if they have been in close contact to a person confirmed to have 2019-nCoV in the fourteen days before symptom onset.
- Anybody who traveled to locations specifically in Hubei Province, China within the last fourteen days, even if healthy and without symptoms, will be reported to NH DPHS for active monitoring.
Please observe these recommendations at home and at school, and contact the school nurse if you have any questions.