

In the event of an emergency, Crossroads will meet the academic needs of our students through our virtual platform. Our virtual platform is organized using two primary Learning ManagementSystems (LMS): Teacher Pages and Google’s G Suite for Education. 

Commencement of Crossroads Virtual School: The Head of School will declare the commencement of Crossroads Virtual School with a specific start date following an evacuation or an extended period away from the school campus.  The Head of School will call the end date of Virtual School based on relevant information regarding the issue that prompted the Virtual School response.  

With administrative support, teachers will continue to provide curricular requirements for each course to all enrolled students. Students are required to complete assignments and meet course objectives. Successful completion of course expectations fulfills course requirements and associated promotion and/or credits.

Roles and Responsibilities


  • Ensure that every student has access rights to G Suite for Education and Moodle through classroom teachers (MS).
  • Maintain PowerSchool documentation of grades and other pertinent data and provide reports for students and other academic institutions (if necessary).
  • Enforce Crossroads attendance policy through PowerSchool.
  • Require all classes (Core, Electives, PE, and Music) to utilize email, Google Classroom, and/or the Crossroads teacher page to meet course requirements in order to earn a grade in the course.
  • Communicate regularly and effectively (i.e., Blackboard, Google Classroom, Email, Crossroads Website).


  • Make course load virtual using appropriate platforms.
  • Maintain a level of quality and depth associated with our curricular standards to the best of their ability using the applications at hand.
  • Host (and post) at least eight synchronous and ten asynchronous office hours a week to reach instructional goals and meet student-learning needs (MS).
  • Maintain teacher page or Google calendar of assignments.
  • Use school email interaction between teacher and student/family. 
  • Provide ample and quality evidence (formal/informal assessments) of meeting grade level expectations and course requirements.
  • Continuously provide instruction in order to meet standards and benchmarks.

Methods for reaching students through Virtual School 

What teaching strategies will teachers need to apply to ensure students have complete access to all instructional supplies for their course?

Working at different times online
Working online together
Google Classroom Google Classroom
Email Mail and Hangout Messages Google Chat/Hangout
Google Drive (Docs, Slides, Sheets) Google Drive
(Docs, Slides, Sheets)
Online quizzes Zoom
Links to art, music, primary sources, online databases, videos, to enhance student understanding Scheduled Google Hangout conferences
Provide links to online textbooks
Record teacher instruction on Youtube and posting to Workspaces/Google Classroom



  • Complete and submit all curriculum requirements.
  • Consult assigned platforms 2x daily (Email, teacher page, google doc, Google Classroom) with parent assistance (LS students).
  • Utilize teacher provided materials, links, and communication tools to complete each assignment.
  • Students have the right to have the necessary materials and support to participate in courses.  Students must report any missing textbooks, non-functioning links or computer problems to the teacher immediately so the problem can be resolved.
  • Students must participate in every course regularly. Students are expected to make progress toward completion of  course objectives.
  • Students are expected to complete all assigned course work virtually unless they have submitted alternate plans to the Division Head for approval. Alternative plans could include individual accommodations due to extended travel, relocation, or digital hardship. Failure to participate in course expectations may jeopardize the student earning full course credits.
  • Submit all assigned work on time as requested by the teacher.
  • Retain a working copy of his/her work in Google Drive and locally on personal computer as backup (MS).
  • Communicate with the teacher (Google Classroom, Chat, Email) to have questions answered and problems resolved in a timely manner. *The student has the right to communicate with teachers regularly, ask questions, check academic progress and have grades and comments returned in a timely manner.
  • Adhere to the Crossroads digital citizenship policy.



  • Our parent community is an important component of our online virtual learning school. Parents will be able to stay connected to the school through the teacher webpages or be added to Google Classroom.
  • Parents will create an at-home learning environment that invites sustained attention  (quiet and orderly) and provides sufficient workspace (desk or table).
  • Parents will ensure that their child/ren engage in his/her online learning community at regular times.
  • Parents will review online assignments daily with the student and communicate with teachers as needed. 
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