As of yesterday, Grafton county (~90,000 people) has six identified active cases of COVID-19. Lyme has 1-4 active cases, Hanover has 1-4 active cases, and Lebanon has zero active cases.
Flu-Vaccines. Are your children afraid of needles?
Flu season is approaching. Starting the first weekend of October, drive-through flu clinics around the upper valley will be available for easy and quick flu shots.
Are your kids afraid of needles? A simple shot blocker may be used to help minimize pain associated with injections. No one enjoys getting shots, but the anticipation and the actual vaccination may not be as unpleasant of an experience with one of these.
We are asking the Crossroads community for their help to prevent the spread of flu in our school. The flu spreads from person-to-person and children in schools have been affected in past years. One of the ways to help keep the school open to in-person operations this school year is to prevent a communicable cluster (e.g., flu, covid-19) in our school.
What can you do? Please plan to get a flu shot for everyone in the family. Next week, your child will come home with the consent form for the free kids drive-through clinic starting in October. Please check out the dates for something that may work for your family’s schedule.
Drive-Through Flu Clinics in October
School-based Kids Drive-Through Flu Clinic