If you know a Vermonter who is 75 years old and older, please offer to assist with scheduling their COVID vaccine. Assisting someone through the scheduling process may be a useful way you could help; further, it will get you familiar with the process for when it is your turn. Getting someone scheduled does not obligate them to get the vaccine. They may always cancel their appointment or simply not show up. Although the vaccine is free of charge, you may want to ensure their insurance card is handy while scheduling.
- According to Vermont’s vaccine portal, as of right now, Vermont is offering scheduling the vaccine first to those ≥75 years old today, January 25.
- Then, at some point, Vermont will offer scheduling to those ≥70 years old.
- Then ≥65 years old.
- And then to those with comorbidities.
Sign up here for useful weekly vaccine updates from Vermont’s Department of Health. This may be a good way for Vermonters to stay up-to-date of when it will be your turn to vaccinate.