What year did you graduate from Crossroads Academy?
Where did you attend high school? College? If applicable, graduate or professional school?
For high school, I went to St. Johnsbury Academy (St. Johnsbury, VT). I am just starting my first year at the University of Chicago.
How did your Crossroads education in the Core Knowledge/Core Virtues curricula prepare you for where you are today?
My Crossroads education prepared me extremely well for where I am today, building essential personal and academic skills and allowing me to transition seamlessly into high school. The Core Knowledge curriculum is unique in that it gives students insights into so many different topics that they will encounter later on, in high school and beyond. Acquiring such knowledge early is incredibly helpful. For instance, my senior year AP European History course was made easier by the fact that I had already learned about the Age of Exploration, the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and Romanticism. To my amazement, topics that I had learned about in elementary school resurfaced in this college-level class, signifying the quality of the curriculum. While many of my fellow high school students struggled because they had significant gaps when it came to science, math, reading, and writing, the curriculum’s comprehensiveness ensured that I did not have such difficulties and that I was prepared for success after my Crossroads graduation.
While the Core Knowledge curriculum paved the way for my academic success, the Core Virtues curriculum set forth the values I strive to live by and treat others with on a daily basis. It taught me to respect everyone, to be honest and kind, to value and fight for justice, and to exhibit courage and perseverance in the face of challenges. Because the school discussed these virtues often, they became ingrained in me, impacting how I approached my relationships and everyday life. The virtues have therefore stayed with me every day and illuminate how I want to act and who I want to be.
Baseball players have a “walk up” song that is played when they come to the plate – what would your “walk up” song be when you enter a room?
Stand by Me by Ben King. This song was an all-around class favorite in fifth grade—so much so that at graduation we all sang it together accompanied by Dr. Freeberg and his guitar.
With which historical figure/celebrity would you most enjoy being stuck in a ski lift?
I would probably choose Trevor Noah. His humor coupled with his knowledge of current events would lead to lighthearted talk interspersed with serious, thought-provoking conversations.
Is there a Crossroads moment, event or mentor you feel made a foundational impact in your life? Please elaborate.
Conducting scientific research made a foundational impact in my life. Partnered with my classmate Elizabeth Leonard, we exposed the nematode C.elegans to Cypripedium reginae (Pink Lady’s Slipper) roots. Our goal was to see if the roots of this orchid could potentially treat intestinal worm infections. We completed six experiments, observing the worms for six or seven hours after their initial exposure to the roots. In the process, we—two seventh grade students—learned correct laboratory protocol; how to use laboratory equipment such as advanced microscopes, microtiter wells, pipettes, Erlenmeyer flasks, and more; and how to make dilutions. Once we had completed our experiments and summarized our results, we submitted our project to the NH Academy of Science and were invited to attend the 2017 American Junior Academy of Science (AJAS) conference in Boston. There, among high school students from across the country, we presented our findings to notable scientists. This was an incredibly valuable experience; performing scientific research at the college level is an option that few high school students and extremely few middle school students have. The skills and knowledge I gained from my middle school research have helped me tremendously ever since. They proved highly useful in advanced science classes in high school, such as in my senior year AP Chemistry class, and I am sure that the same will be true for my college science classes. I hope that current and future Crossroads students will take advantage of the extraordinary science-related resources the school has to offer, especially given its close ties to the NH Academy of Science. The experience is absolutely worth it.