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Each year, Crossroads eighth graders create Schultüte cones for each of the new kindergarten students. Each eighth grader chooses an object that is meaningful and symbolizes advice for the kindergartners’ future at Crossroads.

Here is a list of each item that the eighth graders chose, and why they were included in each Schultüte cone:

  • Michael Anderson chose a puzzle: “Never give up, so you can complete your own life’s puzzle.”
  • Brooke Beliveau chose a ruler: So that way you can always measure up to your expectations.”
  • Jamie Coughlin chose colored markers: “To mark your progress and growth as a student through the year. Even the smallest growth is progress!”
  • Kiera Furness chose a pencil case: “To ensure you can always keep your favorite markers and colored pencils safe!”
  • Hopper Kelley chose Model Magic: To remind you that life is not about finding yourself, its about creating yourself. You will grow and change over time. Don’t be afraid to try new things. “
  • Ella Linnainmaa chose a sketch book:To always feel that you can express your thoughts and ideas and be yourself!”
  • Lucia Peraza chose erasers: “It’s ok to make a mistake, erase, and move forward!”
  • Aleksandra Prosser chose glue: To symbolize making new bonds and creating new friendships.”
  • Addison Ramsay chose Play-Doh: “Play-Doh symbolizes being able to shape and mold your future. You will run across people who will make you feel like you can’t accomplish your goals. I’m here to tell you that’s not true. Dream big!”
  • Ellicott Smith chose sunflower seeds: “Seeds become flowers, grasses, and even trees with time! They remind us time and again that there is tremendous strength, even in the tiniest of minds, and vast kindness in the tiniest of hearts. I encourage you to plant these seeds as a reminder of kindness and strength. If you use these qualities, you will be able to stand up to any challenge that comes your way. “
  • Lola Squire chose shells: “I have given you each a shell because I want you to remember to explore! I was exploring when I found these shells on beaches in Spain, Maine, and New Hampshire. Explore into the unknown, and you will find something beautiful on the adventure! Exploring is very important, because you will discover new places, people, understanding, and fun! “
  • Cailin Stauth chose magnets and mini finger lasers: Always stick to your goals and thrive off of curiosity.”
  • Grace Weinstein chose a mini bag of Lego: A Lego is a small piece of plastic, when there is only one, but if you gather a lot of Lego together, you can build something amazing. The Lego symbolize that it is ok to ask for help from your friends, and teamwork will help you make something even better than what you can accomplish alone.”
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