Kindergarten and Third Grade Buddies
One of the things that makes Crossroads so special are the close friendships that are formed between grade levels in the lower and middle school. Students of all ages can often be found playing together on the playground, cheering each other on during performance assemblies, and lending a helping hand in times of need. One particularly special partnership that has formed this year is between the kindergarten and third grade students.
This winter, our youngest students in Ms. Coughlin and Ms. Dubuque’s class have made strong bonds with Ms. Verheeck’s third grade students. Because they are a class of seven, the kinders are fortunate to buddy up with two third grade students each for special projects and activities. Just before the Holiday Break in December, the two classes joined for crafts, music, hot chocolate, and a movie. Later, they learned about Punxsutawney Phil and the tradition of Groundhog’s Day with a story and craft, and sometimes they join together to discuss the new monthly virtues.
As you can imagine, the time that the two classes spend together is always met with excitement and joy. However, the benefits stretch far beyond that. For our third graders, each time they pair up with a kindergarten student, they are transformed into leaders, and put their patience, empathy, and kindness to the test. Their focus shifts, and they find pride in helping their younger peers. With their support, the kindergartners find comfort in knowing they can rely on and trust their older buddies. These partnerships are structured in classroom activities and events, but continue onto the playground, and as they pass in the hallways or pathways. It is quite a special thing to see!
Of course, this inter-grade mingling is not limited to our third grade and kindergarten partnerships. Middle School students are often found mentoring Lower School students in their math and language classes, and each and every grade is invited to participate in class “museums” or showcases. Crossroads is such a supportive community from our youngest to our oldest students. Our Core Virtues are always at play, and it is these relationships that will help us to grow into good and well-rounded citizens.