

We have a shared responsibility as a school community to minimize our collective risk by following the CDC physical distancing recommendation at all times. Our families, staff, faculty, and visitors should follow the current CDC guidelines, which may change as we approach school this fall. With the ongoing risk of symptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission, it is essential that we continue to be vigilant with our COVID-19 prevention measures.

Please follow advisories listed under Safer At Home on the New Hampshire.gov website.

Self-Quarantine: If you have been identified as a contact to someone diagnosed with COVID-19, stay at home for 14 days from your last potential exposure to COVID-19. Contact your health provider to let them know your status.

self quarantine guide

Travel: If you travel outside of New England (NH, ME, VT, MA, RI, CT), regardless of the mode of transportation, quarantine for 14 days when you return to NH.  In NH, a negative COVID 19 test does remove the criteria for quarantine.

Please note that travel guidelines may change regularly, depending on the incidence of COVID-19 across the US.

NH Travel Guidance

Self-Observation and what to do if you develop symptoms:  If you feel feverish, develop respiratory illness (cough, sore throat, runny nose or shortness of breath), mild flu-like illness (fatigue, chills, muscle aches), GI illness (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), or loss of taste or smell. symptoms of COVID-19,

  • Take your temperature. If 100.0 F or higher, call you physician
  • Stay home and Limit Contact with others, including family members
  • Seek health advice safely. Before going to your provider’s office, call ahead and let the provider know about your potential exposure to COVID 19 and symptoms.

Testing for COVID 19 is widely available. Ways to get a COVID 19 test ,

Testing locations

Self-Isolation: If you have a diagnosed COVID-19 infection, or symptoms of COVID 19 without testing, you should self- isolate at home. If symptoms worsen: increasing fever, cough and shortness of breath, call your health care provider immediately, or if severe call 911.

Self-Isolation may be discontinued when:

  • 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared, or 10 days after the date a positive test was administered.


  • At least 24 hours have passed since recovery, which is defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medication and improvement of all symptoms.

Self Isolation Guide


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