

As of yesterday, Grafton county (~90,000 people) has 16 identified active cases of COVID-19. Lyme has 1-4 active cases, Hanover has 1-4 active cases, and Lebanon has 1-4  active cases. 

It’s October! 

  • Long weekend travel!  If your child leaves New England (NH, VT, MA, ME, CT, RI) this weekend, it is mandatory he/she quarantines for 14-days before returning to in-person classes.  The NH state of emergency remains in effect, and this is a mandatory quarantine for anyone who wants to attend in-person school at Crossroads.  Your child’s teachers have distant learning information and materials available for students completing the travel quarantine.  Travel Q&A and the school’s Pandemic Travel Policy 
  • Say Boo to Flu!  Please keep in mind the convenient flu-vaccination clinics over the longer weekend.  These are continuing throughout the month of October.  For flu-clinic options for the entire family, click here. The health office will not be monitoring/recording if students are vaccinated against influenza  – the health office does not want proof of flu vaccination.  
  • Halloween on the mind!  Traditional Halloween activities may pose higher-risk for spreading viruses like coronaviruses that cause COVID-19 and influenza viruses. Lower risk and moderate risk Halloween activities can be found here.  Please note that costume masks are not alternatives to cloth face coverings unless they are made of two or more layers of fabric. 


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