

Update to Crossroads Close Contact Policy

  • If a student or staff member has been in close contact with someone who tests positive for the coronavirus, or is a household contact, the student or staff member must quarantine for 10 days after their last day of exposure to the individual who tests positive. Before returning to in-person school, the close contact/household contact should have a negative PCR test that was collected five to seven days after the last day of exposure to the positive individual.
  • If a close contact chooses not to test, or does not obtain a PCR test,  he or she will be excluded from in-person school for 14 days.  
  • Those who are fully vaccinated, as defined by NH DHHS, or those within 90 days of prior SARS-CoV2 infection that was diagnosed by PCR or antigen test, will not not be excluded from school after close contact exposure.  Exceptions are those who are symptomatic after these exposures – those individuals will be excluded from work and tested.
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