Core Knowledge Sequence
At our academic base is the Core Knowledge sequence, a rich and sequential outline of content in core subject areas that is integrated across kindergarten through eighth grade. As the first independent school in the United States to use this curriculum outline, Crossroads has matured this sequence into a curriculum. Learn more about the Lower School and Middle School Core Knowledge curriculum.
Core Virtues Curriculum
At the heart of our character education program, the Core Virtues curriculum inspires our students through cross-cultural examples from great literature. This engaging literature-based character education curriculum was developed at Crossroads by our founding Head and is now used in public and independent schools across the country.
New Hampshire Academy of Science
Crossroads Academy has an established record of excellence in science education through our K-8 Core Knowledge science strand. Learn more about our unique opportunities through our collaboration with the New Hampshire Academy of Science.
Latest News

March Madness at the Howe Library! Here is a peek into some Lower & Middle School artworks proudly being displayed during the months of March and April in the children and teen section of the library. I hope you can… Read more >

I am excited to report that Liz Drennan has accepted the position of second grade teacher. We all know Liz from her work as a substitute teacher over the past year and a half, and we are thrilled to welcome… Read more >

Here is a peek into some Lower and Middle School art installations around campus. Also, don’t forget to mark your calendar and plan to visit the Howe Library in Hanover, NH to view Crossroads Academy K–8 student artwork being displayed… Read more >

[See the Photos] Artwork from Crossroads Academy second grade students will be on display for the months of January and February in the Pediatrics Department waiting area at Dartmouth Health. The artwork was inspired by the story Pine and the… Read more >