
Core Virtues and Character Education

Core Virtues

Core Virtues are those traits of character that define human moral goodness. Our approach is centered upon the four cardinal virtues of justice, wisdom, courage, and temperance. Each month, a new set of virtues are taught and incorporated into our Core Knowledge learning.

Lower School Character Education Curriculum

At Crossroads, we believe that education is not just about “content” but about what Martin Luther King, Jr. called “the content of our character.” Our Lower School character education program, Core Virtues, promotes such virtues as respect, responsibility, honesty, and compassion. During each month, we focus on a specific set of virtues which are explored through a morning gathering, the posting of inspiring definitions in classrooms, the daily reading of literature, and community service. Our informal assemblies allow the entire Lower School to experience and share the virtues as a community. We also integrate the virtues through readings in history and language arts, and often ask students to reflect and write about the virtues during lessons. Our teachers model our virtues and use a shared language to highlight our dedication to this program.

Middle School Character Education Curriculum

Character building is an essential part of everyday life in Middle School at Crossroads Academy. Through class meetings, social interactions, literary character analysis, and character development discussions, our community is dedicated to emphasize the importance of being good people. Middle School students participate in a wide variety of activities during their character education classes.