

Category Archives: News

Graduation Address Jean Behnke, Acting Head of School   Trustees, families, faculty, friends, and especially, our graduates, we welcome you to this year’s graduation. Change. It is happening all around us. It is happening to us. Sometimes it is easy…  Read more >

Dear Parents, Henry Brooks Adams wrote, “Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops.” At Crossroads that means a focus on strong minds and kind hearts, one day at a time, even in a pandemic year. As…  Read more >

Dear Parents, Change is in the air. Suddenly, it has gone from spring to summer (and as I write this today at 39 degrees, back to winter). But the children are feeling it. The school year is coming to an…  Read more >

Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of Aladdin! Middle school students premiered their production on Thursday night at the Fairlee Drive-in. This unprecedented year called for an unprecedented approach to producing the Middle School’s yearly musical. Below, you will find…  Read more >

Dear Parents, May is a time for looking forward. Our Eighth Graders are looking forward to their musical, graduation, and to the new opportunities and challenges ahead of them. Fifth graders are looking forward to joining the Middle School, and…  Read more >

On Saturday, May 8, fifth grade students Grace and Sunny competed in the grade 3-6 Mathleague State Championship. Sunny earned a fourth place victory for the fifth grade competition, and Grace won first place. Grace’s impressive performance also earned her…  Read more >

Dear Crossroads Academy Community, On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am thrilled to announce the appointment of Dan Morrissey as Crossroads Academy’s next Head of School, effective July 1, 2021. The Board’s decision to appoint Dan was based…  Read more >

  Crossroads alum Lydia Hansberry ’20 was featured in an NHPR article and interview on youth climate activists in New Hampshire. See the following excerpt featuring Lydia: Lydia Hansberry is 15 and lives in Hanover. Like the Morgan sisters, she…  Read more >

Dear Parents, Here at Crossroads our motto is Strong Minds, Kind Hearts. But that doesn’t really capture everything that makes this school so special, does it? As I think about the role of the arts in our program, I think…  Read more >

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar in which healthy/able adults and teenagers fast from food and drink during the daylight hours. Children usually partake in good deeds like donating used clothes, toys, and books to those in…  Read more >

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