[See the Photos and Videos] As they do at the end of each school year, our soon-to-be graduates had a very memorable overnight trip to Boston last week. Students experienced a walking tour with a Park Service ranger of the… Read more >
[See the Photos and Videos] As they do at the end of each school year, our soon-to-be graduates had a very memorable overnight trip to Boston last week. Students experienced a walking tour with a Park Service ranger of the… Read more >
Spring has sprung–Happy May! Here is a peek into some Lower and Middle School artworks. Also, please be on the look out for your student’s Art Portfolio in the coming weeks. Your child will be bringing home a collection of… Read more >
[See the Photos and Video] At the end of each school year, eighth-grade students have the opportunity to create an art installation to beautify the Crossroads Academy campus and leave their mark on it. This project is an important rite… Read more >
5 v 5 Games Grades 5-8 May 18 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Crossroads Academy, Lyme, NH Crossroads fifth graders participate in a Persuasive Speech Contest. This year’s winner, Reo Kelley, promoted the Alliance for the Visual Arts (AVA), a non-profit organization… Read more >
Here is a peek into some Lower and Middle School art installations around campus. “Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse. [See the Photos] Kindergarten MIXED 2D & 3D ART: In the beginning, there were three colors . . .Reds, Yellows,… Read more >
[See the Photos] Here is a peek into some Lower School artworks proudly displayed during the month of March in the children and teen section of the library. In April, the Howe will display middle school student artwork. Here’s a… Read more >
[See all Photos] Please enjoy a peek into some Lower School art installations around campus. Also, don’t forget to mark your calendar and plan to visit the Howe Library in Hanover to view Crossroads Academy K–8 student artwork being displayed… Read more >
[See the Photos] In the Lower School, students in French have been exploring vocabulary words and phrases surrounding the Mardi Gras history and celebration, including vocabulary about food, colors, music, and more. Students enjoyed the story The King Cake Baby, which is… Read more >
Happy February! Here is a peek into some Middle School art installations around campus. Also, don’t forget to mark your calendar and plan to visit the Howe Library in Hanover to view Crossroads Academy K–8 student artwork being displayed during… Read more >
Happy New Year! Here’s to a new year of creativity! [See the Photos] Kindergarten MICE ON ICE & PENGUIN PALS: Kindergarten students learned about Ed Emberley, author and artist who has created more than 100 children’s books since 1965. After… Read more >