
Teacher Pages

Ryan Chappuis

(603) 795-3111
Fifth Grade Teacher, Core Virtues Coordinator, and Technology Support
BA, Middlebury College
MA, University of Connecticut
At Crossroads since 2017

I graduated from Middlebury College with a BA in History and Philosophy and from the University of Connecticut with an MA in Educational Psychology.  As the fifth grade core teacher, I cover composition, literature, language arts, mathematics, history, and the Core Virtues. Both inside and outside the classroom, my focus is on fostering creativity, providing opportunities for enriching experiences, and nurturing talent wherever it may lie. The responsible use and integration of technology and digital citizenship is a common theme in all core fifth grade subjects, while independence, creative problem solving, and critical consumption of information are skills students develop throughout the year.

Fifth graders are ready to become conscientious citizens of the community, country, and world, and, at Crossroads, they are well on their way!