During the week of November 16-20, Crossroads will be offering a series of health education classes for grades five through eight. Our team includes Matt McGuigan, Kathy Barth, and professional guest speakers from the Upper Valley community. This curriculum has been carefully and thoughtfully developed for the benefit of our Crossroads students entering a phase of physical and emotional changes, and newly gained independence in many areas of their lives. The goal of the Health Education program is to give students the knowledge and skills to make healthy life decisions. Content taught in class is based around the National Health Education Standards (NHES).
The Middle School curriculum includes sixth through eighth-grade students. In the sixth grade, boys and girls will be separated for lessons related to puberty and body growth, areas sensitive to this age group. Students will review the physiological changes in their own gender and then move on to learning about the opposite gender. Human reproduction and development are briefly introduced. Other topics discussed as a group are acne, concussions, nutrition and exercise, personal safety, technology safety, tolerance and justice, bullying, and harassment.
The seventh grade will review general developmental changes that take place in the teenage brain. We will practice decision-making strategies in challenging social situations, followed by discussions on communication skills and changing friendships during the middle school years. We will address stress management, media awareness, depression, and eating disorders. We recently added the SOS program on suicide prevention, and “See Something Say Something” on school safety, provided by the Sandy Hook Promise organization. We will conclude with a unit on tobacco/nicotine/vaping prevention.
The eighth grade will begin with a unit on sexuality and Human Development. Susan Edwards, a former pregnancy instructor for expecting moms, will visit to talk about the growth and development of a fetus, as well as how a baby is born. A PBS movie called “Life’s Greatest Miracle” is shown, which demonstrates pregnancy, genetics, and human growth. We will discuss dangers to the unborn child, and abstinence & birth control in relation to family planning. We will cover public health issues concerning sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV & AIDS. A representative from Wise joins us for lessons on consent, healthy relationships, the difference between sexual harassment and flirting.
There will be a unit on addiction and drug/alcohol abuse and prevention, which will include a visit from our own former police officer, Gene Martin. Eighth grade will also have lessons in the SOS program on suicide prevention, and “See Something Say Something” on school safety. Lastly, we will cover hazing and harassment: how to recognize when it is happening, what to do if asked to participate, and safe alternatives. Students will learn to recognize peer pressure and will practice decision-making skills.
Classroom sessions for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade will begin November 17 and will continue through February. In class, we will use lectures, DVDs, and class discussions. Information will be age-appropriate and strict ground rules will provide a safe and non-judgmental educational climate. Lessons will begin with a “mindfulness moment”, which provides a brief exercise and lesson in stress reduction. Students are encouraged to share questions with their parents, since discussing these issues at home is always the best education. This is a wonderful opportunity for you as parents to open or continue an ongoing dialog with your children that can be useful and informative for both parents and children throughout the challenging Middle and High School years.
- Sixth Grade Classroom Schedule for the Trimester
- Seventh Grade Classroom Schedule for the Trimester
- Eighth Grade Classroom Schedule for the Trimester
We invite parents of grades 5-8 to contact Matt McGuigan (matt.mcguigan@
There will also be a Health Education Q&A on ZOOM, November 16 at 5:00 pm:
Meeting Information
- Topic: Health Education Q&A
- Time: Nov 16, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
88994928283?pwd= eGVhUU9qVSs4bENDSkt3ZG9sZisrZz 09 - Meeting ID: 889 9492 8283
- Passcode: gT80AK